Stokes' ProjBlog

A journal documenting innumerable, mostly terminally in-progress undertakings. Nerdiness abounds.


Slowing down November 4, 2007

Filed under: Miscelaneous Projects,ProjBlog — Stokes @ 5:13 pm

Despite my best intentions, I’ve been neglecting the project blog. I’ve had a number of things going, however:

  • Minor technical contributions to a Dorkbot Boston Halloween show. I hacked together a peristaltic pump to make a Furby vomit blood.
  • Broke out the old serial LCD display I’ve had in storage for a long time. I built a cable for it and did some basic Python scripting to drive it. Not sure what eventually will become of it.
  • I’m considering doing NaNoWriMo this year. I’ve let my writing slide; this would be a good kickstart.

All of this has made me realize something about my life. Here it is, in the form of a flowchart:



Feels like starting over September 3, 2007

Filed under: ProjBlog — Stokes @ 10:12 pm

This blog has lain fallow for too long, so I’m just going to start over. I’ve started (and abandoned) a lot of projects since I began to set this up, so anything here is painfully out of date. I’ve finished almost all of the site’s re-skinning, but there are a few odds and ends yet to be done (I have not yet touched the PHP).
It seems like a good time. Two-and-change decades of school permanently impressed upon me the feeling that September is a time for new beginnings.


First things first. Maybe. October 13, 2006

Filed under: ProjBlog — Stokes @ 8:32 pm

Setting up this project blog has become a project unto itself, so a self-referential post is perfectly apropos. Anyway, this has taken much longer than I’d hoped, due in part to all the other things I’ve got going on — the very things I was intending to post. WordPress, or at least the WordPress theme upon which I’m basing my own, is much more complex than it first appears. I think it’s looking pretty snappy, although the insanely large images it uses to get the cute rounded corners make the studied-computer-science-in-the-early-90s part of me wince. But, bit by bit, it’s coming together. Ignore the occasional white-on-offwhite text and flowery button from the original theme.